


关注词:上海国际流体机械展览会 发表时间:2022-08-19 15:29:12 关注 次 | 查看所有评论


“China (Shanghai) International Fluid Machinery Exhibition (IFME)” is the only large-scale and authoritative exhibition in China's fluid machinery industry, sponsored by China General Machinery Industry Association. It shows a variety of exhibits with advanced technology, and attracts many professional audiences. The exhibition is held every two years. At that time, the latest achievements in the field of fluid machinery manufacturing in terms of technological innovation and product development will be displayed.


During the exhibition, the organizers will invite major industry users, engineering companies, foreign embassies in China, and domestic and foreign industry organizations to visit. At the same time, the organizers will hold a variety of technical summits, international industry forums, technology sharing meetings, new product launches, and user signing ceremonies. In order to show the industry influence of the exhibition extensively, more than 80 professional media in the fluid machinery manufacturing and user industry, domestically and internationally, will report and propagandize the participants and exhibitors from a variety of perspectives, channels and dimensions.

联系人:胡老师 13671086752 (微信)
邮 箱:1723677027@qq.com

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